Research Institute for Safeguarding Athletes

Purpose and Objectives of the Institute

 Although the Tokyo Olympic Games held in 2021 were threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic, Japan ended up winning a total of 58 medals (27 gold, 14 silver, and 17 bronze), the most in its history. At the Tokyo Paralympic Games, there were many inspiring performances, such as Mr. Kunieda’s gold medal win, which impressed everyone.
 As the preamble of the Act on Sport states that sports improve the physical fitness of youth and have a significant impact on the development of character, sports have a significant impact on the next generation of Japanese youth in sports.
 In recent years, however, issues related to sports integrity, such as corporal punishment and abuse by coaches, and the governance of sports organisations have become pressing issues in Japan that need to be resolved.
 With the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, the public’s interest in sports is growing, and in considering the future development of sports in Japan, we believe it is necessary to examine the various issues facing the Japanese sports community, which led us to establish this institute.
